Credit Course Schedules

Biology - Fall 2024

Term Definitions

Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Online - Asynchronous
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Online - Synchronous (Zoom)
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & Online Synchronous (Zoom)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
Hybrid - Online & 面对面
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & 在人
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - Online Synchronous (Zoom) & 在人
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
Combines online and 面对面的 instruction. Students may participate in different ways: online - synchronous, online - asynchronous, 面对面的, 或者作为一个灵活的学习者(学生可以在一定程度上选择他们每周的参与方式).
Flex课程可以为学生提供面对面交流的机会 在校园里,在已经安排好的同步日期和时间,如果 conditions allow.
Imputed credits
计算credits是为需要准备的学生开设的发展性课程 themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid 但不计入获得的大学credits或GPA.
Interactive TV
课程在一个校园现场授课,并向一个或多个学生直播 more additional campus locations. Cameras and microphones at all sites 允许教师和学习者互相看到和交谈.
Human Biology — 3897
生物1500 – 4 credits
安德鲁·W. Pitoniak

本课程涵盖人体的基本结构和功能. Students will learn about the 化学 basis of life, cellular structure and metabolism, 组织, 以及对身体器官系统的全面调查. An introduction to human evolution is presented. Recent developments in science, 医学, 健康与环境问题及其对健康的影响也被纳入课程. Laboratory exercises include use of the microscope, experimentation, and hands-on investigation of organ systems. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510. J下降, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的, 结婚 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
健康 Science — 3901
生物1510 – 3 credits
Staci米. Fedyshin

学生将调查各种健康相关的话题, 其中很多都有助于规划更健康的生活方式. Topics include stress, 心理健康, 营养, human sexuality and reproduction, 生育控制, sexually transmitted and other diseases, 心血管 health, 癌症, drugs (including alcohol), and environ心理健康. 本课程适合非理工科学生. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的, 结婚 9:30 am – 10:45 am
健康 Science — 3902
生物1510 – 3 credits
凯瑟琳·米. 惠特莫尔

学生将调查各种健康相关的话题, 其中很多都有助于规划更健康的生活方式. Topics include stress, 心理健康, 营养, human sexuality and reproduction, 生育控制, sexually transmitted and other diseases, 心血管 health, 癌症, drugs (including alcohol), and environ心理健康. 本课程适合非理工科学生. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Sheldon Center 225
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
健康 Science — 3903
生物1510 – 3 credits
凯瑟琳·米. 惠特莫尔

学生将调查各种健康相关的话题, 其中很多都有助于规划更健康的生活方式. Topics include stress, 心理健康, 营养, human sexuality and reproduction, 生育控制, sexually transmitted and other diseases, 心血管 health, 癌症, drugs (including alcohol), and environ心理健康. 本课程适合非理工科学生. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring; Online fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Intro to Environmental Science — 3876
生物1551 – 3 credits
柯克J. Parmenter

学生将学习环境科学,强调环境问题的历史, 生物群落, and how species interact with each other?s and their environment (air, 水, 和土壤). Students will investigate biological resources, population dynamics, 毒理学, energy resources, land use management, and other related topics. 本课程适用于理科生和非理科生. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510; Corequisite: MAT 0550 or Eligibility: college level mathematics. J下降. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Intr Environmental Science-LAB — 3908
生物1552 – 1 credits

Through laboratory discussions, 活动, and investigations, 学生将学习环境科学,强调环境问题的历史, 生物群落, 以及物种如何相互作用以及它们的环境(空气), 水, 和土壤). Students will investigate biological resources, population dynamics, 毒理学, energy resources, land use management, and other related topics. 本课程适合理科和非理科专业的学生.Corequisite: 生物1551; Eligibility ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite:ENG 1510 with supports. J下降. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 129
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Principles of Cell & Molecular — 3878
生物1570 – 4 credits
柯克J. Parmenter

Students will identify, 理解, 解释基本的生物学原理,比如生命的化学基础, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, 光合作用, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, 和古典, human and molecular genetics. Prerequisite/Corequisite ENG1510 and CHE1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT0550 or Eligibility MAT 1590 (or higher). J下降, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 9:30 am – 10:45 am
电池柱 & Molecular - Lab — 3880
生物1570 – 0 credits
柯克J. Parmenter

Students will identify, 理解, 解释基本的生物学原理,比如生命的化学基础, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, 光合作用, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, 和古典, human and molecular genetics. Prerequisite/Corequisite ENG1510 and CHE1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT0550 or Eligibility MAT 1590 (or higher). J下降, spring; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 129
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Principles-Ecology & Evolution — 3882
生物1580 – 4 credits
柯克J. Parmenter

学生将识别和评估进化论的一般原则, 识别和应用生态学和生物多样性的原则, 确定生命地质历史上的主要网赌信誉排名网站, 评估和描述地球的进化史?s major plant and animal groups. 实验室可能包括一个或多个户外体验. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510 and CHE 1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550 or Eligibility: MAT 1590 (or higher). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的, 结婚 9:30 am – 10:45 am
首席-环保 & Evolution - Lab — 3883
生物1580 – 0 to 4 credits
柯克J. Parmenter

学生将识别和评估进化论的一般原则, 识别和应用生态学和生物多样性的原则, 确定生命地质历史上的主要网赌信誉排名网站, 评估和描述地球的进化史?s major plant and animal groups. 实验室可能包括一个或多个户外体验. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510 and CHE 1500 (or higher) - unless high school chemistry was passed; Prerequisite/corequisite MAT 0550 or Eligibility: MAT 1590 (or higher). J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 129
Aug 26 – Dec 20 结婚 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I — 3914
生物2510 – 4 credits
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 124
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I — 3915
生物2510 – 4 credits
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的, 结婚 9:30 am – 10:45 am
解剖学 & Physiology I - Lab — 3916
生物2510 – 0 credits
克里斯蒂娜米. Slojkowski

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 126
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I - Lab — 3917
生物2510 – 0 credits
Kari E. Dundore-Shrout

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 126
Aug 26 – Dec 20 结婚 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I - Lab — 3918
生物2510 – 0 credits
莉莲N. Truong

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 126
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期五 9:30 am – 12:15 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I — 4182
生物2510 – 4 credits
蒂莫西·R. 约翰逊

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Aug 26 – Dec 20 我的, 结婚 4:30 pm – 5:45 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I - Lab — 4184
生物2510 – 0 credits
Staci米. Fedyshin

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 126
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
解剖学 & Physiology I - Lab — 4186
生物2510 – 0 credits
Staci米. Fedyshin

这是两个连续的人体解剖学和生理学课程中的第一个,是为那些以前很少或没有学习过身体或身体结构和功能所依据的物理和化学原理的学生设计的. 在本课程中,学生将学习基础化学和物理、细胞学和组织学. 学生将学习以下器官系统:外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 心血管, 淋巴, and respiratory. In the accompanying laboratory, students will learn basic terminology, 显微镜, animal dissection, organ dissection, and experimental process and protocols. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1510; Prerequisite: CHE 1500 (or above)-unless high school chemistry was passed. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 126
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期四 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Microbiology — 3912
生物2531 – 3 credits
安德鲁·W. Pitoniak

学生将识别对医学、工业和自然界具有重要意义的微生物. Topics include microbial taxonomy; cultivation; metabolism; genetics; physical, 化学, and chemotherapeutic agents of microbial control; host defense mechanisms and immunology; biology; epidemiology; and selected bacterial, 真菌, 原生动物, and viral pathogens of medical significance. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and 生物1570 or 生物2510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 120
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 8:00 am – 9:15 am
Microbiology - LAB — 3913
生物2532 – 1 credits
安德鲁·W. Pitoniak

学生将熟练掌握处理细菌培养物的适当技术, 鉴定标本,实施和评估各种标准诊断程序. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and 生物1570 or 生物2510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 105
Aug 26 – Dec 20 结婚 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Microbiology - LAB — 4533
生物2532 – 1 credits

学生将熟练掌握处理细菌培养物的适当技术, 鉴定标本,实施和评估各种标准诊断程序. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and 生物1570 or 生物2510. J下降, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 105
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期五 9:30 am – 12:15 pm
生态- 3927
生物2650 – 4 credits
Darran L. 瑰柏翠

学生将被介绍到生物和他们的物理之间的相互作用, 化学 and biological environment. 几个层次的生态组织将被检查, including the study of different types of populations, communities and ecosystems. Topics include population structure and growth, species interaction, 能量流, nutrient cycling, 继承, 并将其应用于当前的环境管理问题. 学生将在野外和实验室进行生态实验. 先决条件:ENG 1510和生物1551 + 生物1552或生物1570或生物1580. J下降. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
Science Center 125
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期二,星期四 9:30 am – 10:45 am
Ecology - Lab — 3928
生物2650 – 0 credits

学生将被介绍到生物和他们的物理之间的相互作用, 化学 and biological environment. 几个层次的生态组织将被检查, including the study of different types of populations, communities and ecosystems. Topics include population structure and growth, species interaction, 能量流, nutrient cycling, 继承, 并将其应用于当前的环境管理问题. 学生将在野外和实验室进行生态实验. 先决条件:ENG 1510和生物1551 + 生物1552或生物1570或生物1580. J下降. Institutional Course Syllabus

— Jamestown Campus
费用:$ 30
Science Center 129
Aug 26 – Dec 20 星期五 9:30 am – 12:15 pm